BEXL Engineering's staff includes a
variety of experienced engineering professionals. Those involved in
communications based development made significant contribution to the success
of the following products:
- Siemens Saturn PBX
- ROLM 9751 CBX
- Digital Switch DEX600, Class 5,
Cellular package
- Noller ARTS (Advanced Rural
Telephone System)
- North Electric (ITT) 1210 Class
5 switch
- North Electric ETS4
- Optaphone Embedded wireless
local loop
- Intelligent Digital Camera
BEXL Engineering's Enterprise and Web Development staff have successfully
designed and delivered a variety of turn-key Web sites and Enterprise
applications, including:
- Several E-Commerce Web
- Sales and Marketing Database
- Company wide Sales, Order Entry,
Fulfillment, and Accounting Intranet Systems
- Secure image management and
storage sites